Meaning of the return codes  while importing TR through STMS :

0: Transport successful.

4: Warnings occurred.

All the objects were transported successfully. Peculiarities occurred for certain objects. These might not have been intentional.


A warning is given during a transport if the request contains an object deletion.

6: Post-processing required

The transport request contains documentation objects that were not saved in an active form, and therefore could not be transported. To transport these objects, you need to include them in a new request and save them in active form.

8: Transport carried out with errors.

Individual objects could not be transported successfully.

– The original object was not overwritten
– A repaired object was not overwritten

12 and greater: The transport was terminated

A serious error occurred which normally is not caused by the contents of the request.

13: The transport tool was terminated by the operating system with a signal.

14: The transport tool terminated for an unknown reason. See Note 43552.

16: The transport tool terminated due to an internal error.

Other less frequent return codes:

The appropriate transport tool passes the above-specified return codes to tp. If there is an unexpected reaction by tp when the request is handled, tp might change this return code by adding a multiple of 100. The last two digits of the exit code are not changed by this addition. For this reason, if return codes greater than 100 occur, you should evaluate the last two digits as described above.


1204: Warnings occurred.

All the objects were transported successfully. Peculiarities occurred for some objects. These might not have been intentional. You must evaluate the first two digits of the return code separately.

Meaning of the additional return codes (multiple of 100):

1000: At the time of the transport, the setting in the transport profile was such that requests of the corresponding transport type could not be transported.

1100: Is no longer used. This return code was used when exporting C sources whose predecessor was not yet exported.

1200: At the time of the transport, the transport profile was set so that the transport request could not be entered in the buffer of the target system. The request therefore is not automatically marked for import.

6000: The target system is not defined. The request could not be marked for import to the target system.

8000: The request could not be marked for import to the target system. Usually problems occurred when describing the corresponding file at operating system level.

9000: The request was imported with unconditional mode 0 (overtaker) and must be imported again at a later time.

Recommended action to do when RC come during import:

4: Read the warnings.

8: Find out the cause and correct the error, mostly the requestor/creator of TR can do.

12 and greater: Inform the system administrator ( Basis Admin).

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