Below is the list of few parameter setting that can be changed on the CMC for DataServices application.
History Retention Period:
Number of days to retain the job execution history.
Default value: 30
● If you enter 0, then the software does not retain job history.
● If you enter a negative number, then the software retains job history indefinitely.
Job Server Log Retention Period:
Number of days to retain the Job Server logs.
Default value: 30
● If you enter 0, then the software does not retain Job Server logs.
● If you enter a negative number, then the software retains Job Server logs indefinitely.
Job History Cleanup Period:
Number of seconds from the job start time that the Data Services Management Console cleans up the bad or crashed job history. With this setting, you can find jobs that are either running longer than the normal time, or jobs that have crashed abnormally. A job that crashes for an abnormal reason fails to update the job history metadata tables or the local repository, and the software doesn’t register an end time. Therefore, even though the job crashed, the Management Console may show it as still running.
● If you keep the default of 0, or set to a negative number, then the software does not clean up the bad or crashed job history.
● If you set to 1 or higher, then the software cleans up the bad or crashed job history in the set number of seconds from the job start time. When you enter a positive number in this setting, enter a number that provides enough time for your longest running jobs to complete. After the time elapses, any jobs that do not have an end timestamp will be marked as failed. For these jobs, you can check the log files to discover if the job ended abnormally. For example, if your longest-running job takes 30 minutes, set this option to 3600 seconds, so that, after an hour from the job start time, the status in the batch status page in the Management Console shows the job is no longer processing. That way, you can see a list of jobs that potentially crashed abnormally, without having to wait a long period of time.
Enable SSL communication for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services:
Specifies whether or not to use SSL communications for Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service of the EIM Adaptive Processing Server. Other SAP software products, such as SAP Information Steward, use the Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service service to browse and import metadata and to view the data in connections.
Use Default SSL Settings:
Specifies whether or not to use the default SSL keystore and certificates.
Default value: No If you specify No, then you must enter values in KeyStore File, KeyStore Password, and Key Password.
KeyStore File:
File name of the keystore that contains the key and all the certificates that are part of the certificate chain involved in signing the key.
Default value: DSJavaKeyStore.keystore
KeyStore Password:
Password to the keystore file.
Key Password:
Password to the key inside the keystore file.
Encryption passphrase:
Passphrase to use for encrypting passwords that are sent as part of requests to the Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service. Other SAP software products, such as SAP HANA, use this Encryption passphrase to encrypt passwords when sending an open connection request. The backend engine will use this passphrase to decrypt the password and process the open connection request.