At OS level all trace information from the application activity is written to file called defaultTrace.trc.

** The latest default trace file (defaultTrace*.trc) can be found at the following path:
Where the terms SID, J2EE_instance_number and server# have to be substituted for the appropriate values for the system, instance and server which you want to get the default trace from.
** Important: when getting the latest default trace is that it is always the one which has a smaller size in relation to the others, like it is shown in the following image:

**Ensure we have taken the latest default trace file from the right instance/server node in which you simulated the issue, in case we have more than one:

** In order to know in which instance/server node you are connected when simulating the issue, paste the following line in the address bar of your browser right after the issue has been simulated (before you log off from the portal):

** This will display a popup with a text similar to the following (some information have been hidden):

Note that there is a 7403150 in the middle, and this is what matters to determine the instance and server node.

** To know the server node in which you were connected, you have to take into consideration the last two digits: 7403150
This termination formed by the two last digits can go from 50 to 65, which refer to the server nodes 0 to 15 respectively.
This means that you were logged on server node 0 when simulating the issue.
If it was 7403153, the server node would have been the server node 3, and so on.

** As in the example the server node was the server 0, the folder from where the default trace file should be taken would be the following:

The other numbers in the left of the two last digits indicate the instance number, which in this case is the following: 74031

** Important: Please note that if the value of HTTP Provider service parameter SystemCookiesDataProtection is set to TRUE the use of HttpOnly attribute for system cookies is enabled, thus you will not see the value of session cookies (in certain web browsers). Its default value is FALSE.

** Also if we want to view Default trace from NWA then see below steps.

* Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator as a system administrator (http://host:port/nwa).
* Go to the ‘Log Viewer’ (SAP NetWeaver Administrator » Problem Management » Logs & Traces » Log Viewer).
* Open the ‘Default Trace’.
* Filter for the timeframe when the issue had happened.


Note: If you unable to find the solution then raise/submit a ticket with SAP through OSS message.

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