Sometime we need to change the job log location because of the disk drive containing the log directory has run out of space or other organizational reasons.For this we must change the logging directory for every jobserver.
But to remember as best practice is to create the logs on the same drive where the application is installed
So below is the way to deal with such request.

1.Get a list of the job servers you have running for Data Services. The job servers list will be useful during this process.
2.Create the target folder for the new logging.
3.Stop the Data Services service by going to Windows Start button, Run, and type “services.msc” or by launching Services via Control Panel.
4.Select BusinessObjects Data Services and stop the service.
5.Save a backup copy of the original DSConfig.txt file (%DS_COMMON_DIR%\conf folder on Windows or $LINK_DIR/log directory on Unix/Linux ).
6.Edit the DSConfig.txt file adding a flag as explained below:

a. Open your DSConfig.txt file. (%DS_COMMON_DIR%\conf folder on Windows or $LINK_DIR/log directory on Unix/Linux )
b. Search for the AL_JobServerName[number] entry in the [AL_JobServer] section. That section will show something similar to:

AL_JobServerPath=”C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Data Services\/bin/al_jobserver.exe”
ServiceDisplayName=Data Integrator Service
• Note the number following the AL_JobServerName — this tells the service the different parameters that correspond to the individual job server.
• There will be an AL_JobServerName entry for every Job Server configured on this machine.
• Any additional entries referencing that specific number will affect that specific server.

c. Add the flag “AL_JobServerLogReDir[Job server number]” in DSConfig under the specific job server. In the above example, if you like to change the logging directory of JobServer101 (AL_JobServerName1), add the following line to the DSConfig.txt list: AL_JobServerLogReDir1= “your directory here.”

ServiceDisplayName=Data Integrator Service
AL_JobServerLogReDir1 = D:\di\log

If your job server name corresponded to AL_JobServerName2, you would want to use the syntax AL_JobServerLogReDir2 for the log directory flag, and so on.

7.Save your changes.
8.Start BusinessObjects Data Services service.
9.Log onto Designer and verify jobserver connectivity. If you receive an error you need to re-trace the above listed steps.
10.Run a test job and verify the new logs were created in the new target log location (i.e. example: D:\di\log\JobServerName\RepoName\type_timestamp_sequence_jobname.txt).

type: Trace, monitor, or error.
timestamp: System date and time from when the job created the log.
sequence: Number of this job related to all jobs run by this Job Server instance.
jobname: The name of the job instance.

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