Below is the list of few Unix/Linux command that are helpful for SAP Basis Purpose.
Command | Details |
dpmon or dpmon pf= <Instance profile path> | ABAP Dispatcher queue monitor |
jsmon pf=<instance profile path> | Java Server monitoring |
ps -ef | Running work process |
ps –eaf|grep dw | sap Process overview |
ps –eaf|grep ora | To check oracle service is running |
kill -9 <PID> | Kill work process |
msmon pf=profile path name=sid | To check the message server status |
gwmon pf=profile path nr=num | To check the gateway status |
Ps –eaf | grep lsnrctl | Listener status |
Rslgview pf =-r –ft | pg | System logs |
disp + work –v | To check the version of r3 kernel |
R3trans –d ,tnsping | Checking the connection with database |
Df –h | File system monitor in human readable format |
Du –k | Display all directories and size of current directory |
Sqlplus ―/as sysdba | SQL prompt and database connection |
Saplicence -get | To get hardware key |
saplicense -install | to install license |
sappfpar all pf=profile path | display all profile parameters |
sappfpar check path=profile path | checks the required space for memory |
memlimits | to check the available space for heap and swap memory |
telnet | Remote system login |
telnet <ipaddress><dispatcherportnum> | to check the remote sap system is up and running |
ftp | to check file transfer protocol |
rcp | remote copy of files |
Start/stop sap | Start / stop Sap instance |
ping | check destination host reachable |
niping | check connection between server and a client by transferring packets |
systeminfo | check the configuration of system |
Ps –aef | Processes status |
lsps -a | Swap space |
topas | Memory |
Cdpro | To checking the profiles at path SAPMNT/<SID>/profile |
Cdexe | To check the Kernel folder |
find . -name filename -print | for checking the file in the present directory |
gunzip | to unzip file |
tar –xvzf | file name to run the zip folder of file content |
lscpu | to check no of CPU |
free -g | to check RAM |
top | CPU utilization |
scp -rp file_or_folder_name user@IP:<path destination | to copy files into different server |
mv source target | to move or rename file |
ls -latr | to see list of file |
ln -s source_file myfile | To create softlink |
rm -rf file_or folder | to delete file permanantly |
ps -fu username | to list of process for perticular user |
glance | to check whole all wp with cpu and memory utilization |
Great stufff!! Very helpful….
Really Helpful.
Thanks for sharing!