External tools don’t track the complete scenario (SAP Cloud Platform servers + communication from SCC to SCP + communication from SCC to Backend).
For this we need to activate alerting’s for Tunnel Health and Service Channels in SAP Cloud Connector Alerts tab.
Below are steps to Configure the Cloud Connector to send e-mail messages when situations occur that may prevent it from operating correctly.
** E-mail Configuration:
1) Select E-mail Configuration to specify the list of email addresses to which alerts should be sent (Send To).
2) Enter the sender’s e-mail address (<Sent From>).
3) In <SMTP Server> provide the host of the mail server.
4) We can specify an <SMTP port>, if the server is not using the default ports. For details, contact your e-mail administrator or provider.
5) Mark the TLS Enabled check box if we want to establish a TLS-encrypted connection.
6) If the SMTP server requires authentication, provide <User> and <Password>.
7) In the Additional Properties section we can provide any property supported by the Java Mail library Information published on non-SAP site. All specified properties will be passed to the SMTP client.
8) Select Save to change the current configuration.
** Observation Configuration:
1) Select Observation Configuration from the top-right corner of the window.
2) Select the components or resources we want to monitor.
* High Availability alerts can occur in the context of an active high availability setup, meaning a shadow system is connected.
* Tunnel Health and Service Channels Health refer to the state of the respective connections. Whenever such a connection is lost, an alert is triggered.
* An excessively high CPU load over an extended period of time adversely affects performance and may be an indicator of serious issues that jeopardize the operability of the Cloud Connector. The CPU load is monitored and an alert is triggered whenever the CPU load exceeds and continues to exceed a given threshold percentage (the default is 90%) for more than a given period of time (the default is 60 seconds).
* Although the Cloud Connector does not require nor consume large amounts of Disk space, running out of it is a circumstance that we should avoid. We recommend that we configure an alert to be sent if the disk space falls below a critical value (the default is 10 megabytes).
* The Cloud Connector configuration contains various Certificates. Whenever one of those expires, scenarios might no longer work as expected so it’s important to get notified about the expiration (the default is 30 days).
3) Change the Health Check Interval (the default is 30 seconds).
4) Select Save to change the current configuration.
** Alert Messages
The Cloud Connector shows alert messages also on screen, in Alerting Alert Messages.
We can remove alerts using Delete or Delete All. If we delete active (unresolved) alerts, they reappear in the list after the next health check interval.
Some Point to Note:
* These alerts are only triggered in case of an error or exception, but not upon intentional disconnect action.
* The Cloud Connector does not dispatch the same alert repeatedly. As soon as an issue has been resolved, an informational alert is generated, sent, and listed in Alert Messages
* Connections to an SMTP server over SSL/TLS can cause SSL errors if the SMTP server uses an “untrusted” certificate. If we cannot use a trusted certificate, we must import the public part of the issuer certificate to the JDK’s trust storage.
Usually, the trust storage is done in the file cacerts in the Java directory (jre/lib/security/cacerts). For import, we can use the keytool utility:
keytool -import -storepass changeit -file <certificate used by SMTP server> -keystore cacerts -alias <for example, SMTP_xyz> .
* E-mail messages are sent when any of the chosen components or resources have malfunctioned or are in a critical state.