Client Copy
Client copy means “transferring client specific data” within the same instance(SID) or between different instances(SID).
Client copy can be performed with three different methods –
- Local client copy.
- Remote client copy.
- Client Import/Export.
Pre-requisite steps:
1) Log off all the user from the system, check SM04, to avoid any inconsistency.
2) Suspend all background jobs by entering SE38 and execute BTCTRNS1 report.
3) Check space requirement in target system at DB level and OS level.
5) increase the rdisp/max_wprun_time parameter value to 3600 second . Although you use parallel processes and schedule job in the background, dialog processes will be used.
Local Client Copy
Local client copy is used to copy client within the same instance (SID).It is done by T-code SCCL
Step 1) Create an entry for your new target client using SCC4. Log on to this newly created target client with user SAP* and default password pass.
Step 2) Excute T-code SCCL.
Step 3)
- Select your desired profile
- Enter Source client.
- Enter Description
Step 4) We can distribute the workload to parallel(multiple) processes which will reduce time in copying a client.
- Select Goto from the menubar.
- Select Parallel Process. Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of database better
Step 5) Please execute processes in background mode rather than foreground/dialog mode.
Step 6) We can check the log through tcode SCC3.
Remote Client Copy:-
This method is used to copy client between different instances(SID).It is performed by T-code SCC9. This technique depends on the network, so network connectivity must be strong enough.
Step 1) Log on to the target system. Create a new target client entry using SCC4. Log on to this new target client with user SAP* and default password “pass”.
Step 2) Execute Transaction Code SCC9.
Step 3) Select your desired profile and Enter Source client.
Step 4) Select Parallel Process.Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of database better.
Step 5) Schedule the client copy in background
Step 6) Logs can be checked through tcode SCC3 tcode.
Client Import/Export
This method is used to copy client between different instances(SID).It is performed by T-code SCC8. For large database, it is recommended to use client import/export instead of remote client copy.
Note: – You must have enough space in the /usr/sap/trans_SID file system to perform the client export. You can check the space check by running test run.
Exporting the client
Step 1) Log on to the target system and create anew target client using tcode SCC4.
Step 2) Now login in to source system and export the required profile through tcode SCC8.
Step 3) Select profile and Choose target system.
Step 4) Schedule the export in background mode.
Step 5) Once the job is executed data files and co-files of profiles from source system database will be created. Save the file as they need to moved in target server trans directory to import
Depending on the chosen export profile there can be up to 3 transport requests created:
- Request <SID>KO00151 will hold the cross-client data,
- Request <SID>KT00151 will hold the client dependent data,
- Request <SID>KX00151 will also hold some client dependent data.
Importing the client.
Step 1) Log on to the newly created target client using SAP* and password pass.
Step 2) Start the STMS_IMPORT transaction
Step 2) Add the transport request in stms buffer using add to buffer option. Use request <SID>KT00151 for import and it will take some time to complete import ( depend on size of file)
Step 3) Post import phase:-
Once the import is done, execute SCC7 to perform the post client import actions,
Schedule the post import job in background.
Step 4) Import log will be available in SCC3. The Client is successfully imported.
Very useful and detail explaination of every activity. Also any new comer or fresher to SAP BASIS can understand this easily. Looking forward for more posts from you. 😀👍