Few suggestion/checks regarding this slow running SAPCONNECT email job (program RSCONN01) in SAP ABAP system.
Usually this email jobs finishes in few second/min, but rarely we noticed its taking 1000+ second to complete the job and many 1000+ entries waits to process in SOST, also there is no error log in SM37, SOST tcode, related to this, which eventually impacting system performance and business impact.
Below few checks/guide are from SAP end to troubleshoot, before that please check everything is in order from Messaging server end.
Below are the few keys points checks and correction:
1. Use Parallel Processing for the “send” job:
By default, it’s have setting of 1 no work process for max package size of 1000, we can check it checking variant of program RSCONN01 from
SM37. So suggestion is like,
1. You can increase the value “no of work process” to 10 and,
2. Create the separate the logon group and assign under “server group” field.
So during high load/volume, system can process multiple email at a time. Details of the value and parameter are attached in excel for reference.
2. Delete entry from table SOFFCONT1.
Check the size of table SOFFCONT1,usualy this table has huge in size, so this may lead to some performance of job, so below is reference SAP Note and link that suggest to setup reorg of table using report RSBCS_REORG.
Reference SAP Note: “2444580 – Delete entry from table SOFFCONT1”
We can also look at the option of doing re-org on this table by deleting entries that are no longer referenced to any user/folder.
For the re-organization report please see note 966854 or 922565 depending on your release and note 988057 for information on the re-organization process.
3. Removing duplicate addresses.
SAP Note 836343 – Poor performance due to duplicate addresses suggest that we should remove the duplicate email address that were created from the address management during sending.
SAP Note attached for reference.
If issue still persist of longer run of SAPCONNECT job for email, you can also check with Messaging team, if anything had changed from their end. Or you can raise OSS with SAP.