In Upgrades or Support Packages updates using the Software Update Manager (SUM) tool, several system parameters are defined during PREPARE.
Quite often there is a need to change one or more parameters, due to errors, poor performance or miss configured options.
Most common errors derived from incorrect parameters are:
*DDIC/DB password (including shadow instance)
*DVD mount paths
*Number of parallel processes
*SPDD/SPAU request
*<sid>adm password
Below steps will help in getting corrected/updated such parameters during the procedure.
1) In the SUM UI access the menu “More” (☰) -> “SUM Utilities”
2) Click on “SUM Parameters”
3) Now navigate the menus to change the respective SUM parameters:
–> SUM Standard Parameters
*Host name and instance number of Central Instance (Primary Application Server)
*File names of the instance profiles
*Path to SAP Start Procedure, database host, and SID
*Port number for the internal message server
–> SUM Process Parameters
*Number of ABAP, SQL, R3trans, and R3load during uptime and downtime
*Server for batch job execution
–> SUM Shadow System Parameters (shadow instance number)
–> SUM Migration Parameters
–> DDIC Password
–> SAP Service User Password
–> Shadow System DDIC Password
–> DB System User Password
–> Shadow DB System User Password
–> Migration Target DB System User Password
–> Mountpoints
–> Migration Key
so above are listed parameter and thier way to change the value in SUM