What is Message ID:
Each log/trace message that is generated in AS Java has an unique identifier – message ID – assigned to it.
A message ID is a string, such as com.sap.ASJ.web.000649, which consists of:

vendor – “com.sap”
product name – “ASJ” (Application Server Java)
component name – “web” – the component (service, library, interface, manager or application), which produces the log message.
number – “000649”

We can see the message IDs of Java log records in the Log Viewer tool.

Every Message ID no has separate troubleshooting approach, for example we can see few of them.

1. com.sap.ASJ.web.000649

i) Information:
There are Web application settings, which cannot be read and applied.
These settings concern only some of the configurations (if there are any) made in the additional deployment descriptor web-j2ee-engine.xml. The settings include any cookie configurations and configurations of the maximum number of sessions of the same Web application. The reason why they cannot be correctly applied for the given Web application is that its additional deployment descriptor web-j2ee-engine.xml was not properly cached when deploying the Web application and as a result some of its elements (<cookie-config> and <max-sessions>) cannot be later read and applied during the start of the Web application.

ii) Impact:
Any configurations of the <cookie-config> and <max-sessions> elements made in the additional deployment descriptor web-j2ee-engine.xml will not take effect for the given Web application.

The problem is present only if there are any of the previously described Web application settings. If that is the case, the corresponding default or the global settings (if there are any) will be applied to them.

iii) Next Step:
Redeploy the application using the following Telnet command:

>deploy <absolute path to the application> version_rule=all

2. com.sap.ASJ.krn_frm.000019

i) Information:
AS Java stops with an exit code because a service requested system shutdown due to a fatal error.
The most common problems are:

some of the managers failed to start
a service, which provides core functionality cannot start
the startup filters cannot be read or are empty
cyclic references between AS Java components (component A references B and component B references A).

ii) Next step;
Find the respective solution depending on the exit code you find in the logs:

-337 or 337
-338 or 338
-339 or 339
For more details you can refer blog–>  https://buddysap.com/sap-exit-code-in-java-system/

3. com.sap.ASJ.cft.000004
BatchInstall: Missing value for the instance.box.number or instance.system.id key in the BatchConfig properties file.

If the any such error message occurs again and unable to solve issue then contact SAP Support with appropriate log file.

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