Type of log and trace file exist in Cloud Connector:
- Cloud Connector Loggers (ljs_trace.log):
Refer to the SAP Cloud Connector Java classes (SAP code) that are directly related to Cloud Connector functionality. This is the one requested by SAP Support if not explicitly told. Information is the default level. For ljs_trace there is log rotation in place, the default config is max 20 files with 50MB each. - Other Loggers (ljs_trace.log):
Refer to the Tomcat Java classes (open source coding) available in the runtime, as the Cloud Connector runs inside an open source Tomcat Servlet Container. Information is default level.
Only change this level when requested by SAP Support, since it produces a large volume of entries - CPIC Trace Level (cpic_<xxxx>_trace.log):
Allows you to set the level between 0 and 3 and provides traces for the CPIC-based RFC communication with ABAP systems. - Payload Trace (traffic_trace_<account id>_on_<landscapehost>.trc):
When activated, all the HTTP and RFC traffic content crossing the tunnel for that subaccount going through this Cloud Connector is traced.
Note, payload trace is subaccount specific, not global as other logger settings, ensure activating payload trace under the intended subaccount. - TLS Trace:
Helpful to analyze TLS handshake failures from Cloud Connector to Cloud or from Cloud Connector to backend. It should be turned off again as soon as the issue has been reproduced and recorded in the traces. This feature is available from Cloud Connector 2.12.2 version. - localhost_http_access<date>.log:
This log traces the HTTP/HTTPS traffic between the browser and server triggered by each action you take within a Web application. - scc_about.txt:
This file shows the actual version of SAP Cloud Connector and the Java Virtual Machine that SCC uses. This file is not available in UI, you can check it only if you download the log and trace files. For more how to find the version of SCC, see the following wiki: How to check the version of SAP Cloud Connector. - scc_service.log:
This file exists only on Windows and is created and used by the Microsoft MSI Installer (during installation time of the Cloud Connector) and the scchost.exe executable, which registers and runs the Windows Service (in case you choose to install the Cloud Connector as a Windows background job).
This log file is only needed if we assume that something goes wrong during installation of the Cloud Connector, or during creation and start of the Windows Service, in which the Cloud Connector is running.
==> Also if we want to change the trace level in cloud connector, please follow below step:
- Access the Cloud Connector URL: https://<hostname>:<port> (8443 is the default https port used by the Cloud Connector Administration UI).
- Enter logon credentials. For example: User Name/Password enter Administrator/manage (case sensitive).
- On the left panel, select “Log And Trace Files”.
- In the “Settings” section, click on the Edit button (pencil icon).