When we planning to apply Support Package Stacks (SP stacks) or Support Packages (SPs) to an AS ABAP based system, then we need to know when to use which tool either the Software Update Manager (SUM) or the Support Package Manager (SPAM/SAINT).
Main criteria for a choice are the amount of SP stacks to be applied and the question if the system is downtime critical (duration):
==> If its Few SPs:
SPAM/SAINT shows a good balance between overall runtime & downtime if not more than 3 Support Package Stacks or not more than 70 Support Packages shall be applied.
==> If its More SP, or downtime critical systems:
SUM should be chosen for more packages to be applied.
If the overall runtime of the maintenance scenario should be as short as possible (overall = uptime & downtime), you should choose “SINGLE”-Mode in SUM.
If system downtime is the main criteria in your maintenance scenario, you should choose “STANDARD” or “ADVANCED”-MODE in SUM (ADVANCED-Mode is not available in SUM 2.0).
Few Specific scenarios require SUM:
For SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40, when specific SP versions are part of the import queue, only SUM can be used. If one of these SPs is part of the import queue for SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40, then only SUM can be used, and not SPAM. This is the case for SP05 (SR1) and SP08 (SR2) for SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.40.
SAP S/4HANA scenarios: The path from SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 FPS01 to FPS02 cannot be done with SPAM, so SUM has to be used.
For other paths inside SAP S/4HANA, we recommend to use SUM to apply SPs and FPS. Although SPAM can be used as well, it will have a much longer downtime for applying FPS stacks due to the size of the FPS.
For Third party AddOns:
SPAM/SAINT can handle third party AddOns. SUM offers a dialog to include third part AddOns as well – prerequisite is that the partner offers an upgrade/update package (SAINT package) for the AddOn.
AddOns only have to be included if the target Support Package level requires this.
Few below point that highlight between SUM and SPAM approach:
* SUM shows the point-of-no-return with reset option that can withdraw all changes;
SPAM/SAINT does not show a clear point of no return.
* SUM switches the kernel, and will restart the system;
SPAM/SAINT cannot switch the kernel, so you may have to manually apply new kernel patches, and restart the system.
* SUM offers the option to include customers transport with an SP stack, and also to handle customer transports only;
SPAM/SAINT allows to include adjustment transports.
* SPAM/SAINT offers a test mode, with modification preview
ZDO of SUM is a new option for business critical SAP systems, see SAP Note 2163060
It’s important to think about the priorities of your maintenance activity in order to decide, especially if your aim is to reduce the system downtime for your end users, or if the duration of the overall procedure is more relevant.